
Is Toyota Still Relevant?

Is Toyota Still Relevant?

Is Toyota Still Relevant?

A few weeks ago, I decided to participate in the Virtual Lean Mini Conference organized and hosted by Bob Emiliani. The concept is fairly straightforward: participants register, Bob poses a couple of questions, and divides the participants into two groups to argue a position on each question. After preparing one’s analysis of their positions, the entire group meets for a facilitated discussion to present both sides of the arguments. The second question was very straightforward, “Is Toyota Still Relevant?”

This blog post is based on my reflections before and after the conference. So, let’s dig in… Is Toyota still relevant?

Go and See

Go and See

“Go and See” and talk with the people on the frontline to understand the non-conforming issues that they are dealing with. We believe that treating people with respect means telling them the truth, helping them where they need help and holding them accountable, and expecting them to do the same of you.

As the saying goes, “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable” is fundamental to my leadership approach. Running a manufacturing facility using only computer data, prepared reports and posted metrics is naïve at best, self-serving at worst. After all, as a manufacturing executive, I know that money is not made/lost in manufacturing on a daily, monthly, yearly basis, but hour by hour.

Why I care about Culture...

Why I care about Culture...

As a Manufacturing Engineering and Lean Transformation professional, I divide my time almost equally about technical and cultural topics. To me, it is not at all surprising, but I wonder if it is to others...